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Vue is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.

Vue is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.

Vue. js is a progressive framework for JavaScript used to build web interfaces and one-page applications. Not just for web interfaces, Vue. js is also used both for desktop and mobile app development with Electron framework.

Vue. js was created originally by a single person, Evan You, a former Google engineer who used to work on Angular. js and later on the Meteor framework. After experimenting with a reactivity system that he thought was better than the one used in Angular.

Vue.js was created originally by a single person, Evan You, a former Google engineer who used to work on Angular.js and later on the Meteor framework. After experimenting with a reactivity system that he thought was better than the one used in Angular.js, he decided to publish his first results in July 2013. Five years later, Vue.js is the third project on Github in number of stars and Evan holds one conference after the other around the world.

Vue is a framework and ecosystem that covers most of the common features needed in frontend development. But the web is extremely diverse - the things we build on the web may vary drastically in form and scale. With that in mind, Vue is designed to be flexible and incrementally adoptable. Vue can be used in different ways:

- Enhancing static HTML without a build step
- Embedding as Web Components on any page
- Single-Page Application (SPA)
- Fullstack / Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
- Jamstack / Static Site Generation (SSG)
- Targeting desktop, mobile, WebGL, and even the terminal